Mars 2024
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Stefan Nygård is associate professor of European History at the University of Helsinki and project manager at the Academy of Science and Letters in Finland. At the Academy of Science, he leads a project on The History of science in Finland, which aims at mapping scientific life in the country since 1918, by incorporating the methodological tools offered by social studies of science and the global history of science and knowledge. At the University of Helsinki, he is currently carrying out two projects: one on the neoliberalisation of Nordic democracy and another on the history of bilateral cultural cooperation (Finland-Sweden). His previous work combines perspectives from the social and transnational history of intellectuals, with a focus on Northern Europe in a comparative perspective, and the study of cultural transfers (dissertation on Henri Bergson in Finland). He has recently worked on European North-South relations as well as power asymmetries and entanglements in European cultural and political space. These topics are explored in volumes on The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with the ‘South’ (Edinburgh University Press 2020), Decentering European Intellectual Space (co-edited with Marja Jalava and Johan Strang, Brill 2018) and Rethinking European Social Democracy and Socialism. The History of the Centre-Left in Northern and Southern Europe in the Late 20th Century (co-edited with Alan Granadino and Peter Stadius, Routledge 2022).
4 mars | 11h – 13h | ENS, campus Jourdan, salle R108 | Dans le cadre de la PSL Week “Les politiques publiques européennes en perspective pluridisciplinaire”
« Scandinavia in the world before and after the nineteenth century »
19 mars | 11h – 13h | ENS, campus Jourdan, salle Madeleine Rebérioux R202 | Dans le cadre du séminaire ” Socio-histoire de l’intégration européenne” de Blaise WILFERT
« The Europeanisation of research and higher education during two eras of globalisation »